Saturday, December 1, 2007

Things I wasted my time on this morning...

I am sitting in my pajamas, avoiding getting ready for the day. In my quest to simplify my life, I have managed to schedule myself for working six days a week. I am not sure how that happened. Probably brain lesions.

I have made some coffee (yum) and am wearing the fuzzy socks I got from Wal-Mart last night. I think that I am going to give a pair to everyone in the family rather than sweep. We will all have to scuffle around. It is cold this morning, as we experienced our first rain of the season yesterday. I think that most of the stuff in the backyard got under cover. I can't even remember the last time it rained in here in Southern California.

After reading and returning Important Professional Email, I went to a couple of sites that I look in on from time to time. I admit to a fondness for LOL cats. Don't ask me why. The website is icanhascheezeburger (which I would hot-link, but would have to remember the steps).

funny pictures
moar funny pictures

funny pictures
moar funny pictures

And this ...

funny pictures
moar funny pictures

I love the awful literacy. There are rules to build a lol cat picture. Anyway ...

I copied this from my daughter. It is fun to play! I love vocabulary tests! combines two great ideas - good vocabulary and feeding the poor! You’re shown a word and asked to define it from a list of choices. For every word you identify correctly, the website donates 20 grains or rice through the United Nations to impoverished people. That may not sound like a lot, but it adds up, especially if more people play. It’s really fun to play, and it keeps track of your score, so you can play against your friends for bragging rights.

Off to work!

If you have time, check out my sister's blog. She just got on a blogroll! Her blog is on the list, or you can check it out at

And I know I owe you a post.